Mercedes Perez Berbain has an M.A. in Education from the Oxford Brookes University, UK and is currently Senior Lecturer at J.V. González College of Education, Argentina. She is an author of teaching materials for leading publishers worldwide  and is the Co-editor of International Perspectives on Diversity in ELT. Mercedes is also a faculty member at Pilgrims Teacher Training, Oxfordshire, UK and a reviewer at highly esteemed educational journals.

Course curriculum

    1. Expert video

    1. Engagement and strategies to foster engagement

    2. PDF: Engagement and strategies to foster engagement

    3. Activity

    4. Journal entry

    5. PDF: Fostering learner engagement

    1. Journal entry

    2. Suggested answers

    1. Activity

    1. Identifying engaging principles and strategies in it

    2. Clinching your understanding

    3. Self-evaluation

    1. Journal entry

    2. Snapshots of Like Stars on Earth

About this course

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